part A and B Smooth-On Psycho Paint is a versatile and easy to use platinum silicone paint base developed to help special effects and prosthetic artisans, doll makers, etc. easily create painted-on color effects for their platinum silicone creations. It is a two component translucent clear platinum-cure silicone that is used to make a base for color pigmenting. Once the desired color is attained, Psycho Paint is thinned with a solvent such as naptha (you can buy it from a paint store) or toluene. Doesnt have to be thinned. Thin layers of paint CAN be then be applied to a model’s surface (made of Dragon Skin, Ecoflex or other platinum silicone) using an airbrush! In addition to painting the exterior of a cast piece, you can apply Psycho Paint to the inside of a platinum silicone or urethane rubber mold and then cast platinum silicone behind it. It can also be applied by brushing
- Platinum Silicone Clear Paint Base
- Use with Silc-pig silicone pigment to create your own amazing colors!
- Can be Thinned with Novocs, Naptha or Toluene and airbrushed
- Easy to use! Mix Equal Parts A and B with Pigment
- Odorless